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Helping Athletes Achieve Their Ambitions

Train.Red—a world leader in scientific, wearable (f)NIRS equipment—is excited to announce that it will be collaborating with VO2 Master. Joining forces will lead to great opportunities, not only for each company, but especially for our valued customers. Read on for details! Helping Athletes Achieve Their Ambitions Data can make a difference. Implementing multiple technologies thatContinue reading “Helping Athletes Achieve Their Ambitions”

Debunking the Lactate Threshold Myth

Many physiologic testing protocols in use today are based on poor science, and do not make use of the available evidence, which has proven fundamental errors in the protocols themselves. The continued propagation of the myth of a lactate threshold is just one example. Dr. Andrew Sellars, Co-Founder VO2 Master Inc. Lactate Does Not PlayContinue reading “Debunking the Lactate Threshold Myth”

Part 5: VO2max – A Determinant of Team Sport Performance

In this fifth article of our Introductory Series, we identify and discuss factors that affect athletic performance in team sports. Athletic Capacities Without question, physical capacity of athletes is an important element of success in every team sport. This involves a massive number of different physiologic parameters, with aerobic capacity playing a significant role. MaximalContinue reading “Part 5: VO2max – A Determinant of Team Sport Performance”

Part 4: Measuring Maximal Oxygen Consumption

In this fourth installment of our Introductory Series, we examine how to accurately measure maximal oxygen consumption, as well as discuss some of the implications associated with different testing protocols. What is Maximal Oxygen Consumption? Maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) describes the body’s ability to uptake and utilize oxygen during intense or maximal full-body exercise. ItContinue reading “Part 4: Measuring Maximal Oxygen Consumption”

Part 3: How to Train Based on Metabolic Test Values

This is the third article of our Introductory Series. If you’re new to metabolic analysis or need a refresher on the subject, then this series is for you. On the other hand, if you’re experienced in the field of VO2 analysis, then we encourage you to check out our Advanced Series of articles. In ourContinue reading “Part 3: How to Train Based on Metabolic Test Values”

Part 2: How the Body Uses Oxygen

This is the second article of our Introductory Series. If you’re new to metabolic analysis or need a refresher on the subject, then this series is for you. On the other hand, if you’re advanced in the field of VO2 analysis, then we encourage you to please stay tuned for our Advanced Series of articles.Continue reading “Part 2: How the Body Uses Oxygen”

Maximal Oxygen Consumption for Health and Performance

Maximal oxygen consumption (VOâ‚‚max) and its relationship to whole-body health and performance. The Basics Maximal oxygen consumption (VOâ‚‚max) is the maximal rate of oxygen a person can uptake and use during intense physical activity. Typically, VOâ‚‚max is reported in 1 of 2 ways: 1) as an absolute measure where values are reported in liters ofContinue reading “Maximal Oxygen Consumption for Health and Performance”

A Primer on Exercise Efficiency and Economy

Elite level endurance performance requires an athlete to have a large (>70 ml/kg/min) aerobic engine (VO2max) of which a high percentage (75-90%) of that maximal value can be maintained for upwards of 2 hours. This combination is augmented further by the ability to translate the chemical energy produced from oxygen to locomotion. Termed, exercise economy/efficiency,Continue reading “A Primer on Exercise Efficiency and Economy”

The Historical Context of Measuring Oxygen Consumption

There is an existence of a finite rate of oxygen consumption that exists during intense exercise, of which no further effort will increase. A.V. Hill and Colleagues 1923 Identification of VO2max The pioneering work of A.V. Hill, Hartley Lupton, and Colleagues in the early 1920s was the first to identify this concept, that there wasContinue reading “The Historical Context of Measuring Oxygen Consumption”

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